
         What is this crucial Right View ?

The Noble Eightfold Way, leading to Nibbāna, is simply this:
                           Right View
                           Right Motivation
                           Right Speech
                           Right Action
                           Right Livelihood
                           Right Effort
                           Right Awareness
                           Right Concentration
                        But what is Right View ?

                  Right View Ownership of Kamma:
All beings are owners of their kamma, inherit their kamma, 
are born of their kamma, are created by their kamma, are
linked to their kamma and any intentional action (=kamma)
they do, whether good or bad, the effects of that will be
theirs, following them like a shadow, that never leaves...
This is Right View!

                 Right View of the Ten Phenomena:
Giving alms has good effects, any self-sacrifice results in
pleasure, small gifts are also beneficial. There is resulting
fruition thus of any good and bad behaviour. There is moral 
efficacy of any relation to mother and father. There is this 
world and there are other worlds. There are beings who are 
spontaneously and instantaneously born. There exist good &
pure recluses & priests in this world, who having followed the 
right method of practice, themselves by their own supra-human
abilities, have directly experienced the other worlds and who
explain them and thereby make them known here...
This is Right View!

                 Right View of the Four Noble Truths:
         Right view of such is Suffering...
         Right view of such is the Cause of Suffering...
         Right view of such is the End of Suffering...
         Right view of such is the Way to End Suffering...
         This is Right View!

Further study: 
Majjhima Nikaya 9. Sammaditthi Sutta: The Discourse on Right View:


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